

Not generating a random keypair

3/18/2011 2:45:33 PM
Total Posts 22

Not generating a random keypair

I was generating a RSA keypair when i noticed that when using KeyPairGenerator is allways generating the same key. When i look at the public key bytes then they are exactly same as the ones as the last ones. Im using SafeNet HSM in software mode. So its simulating the HSM but still it should generate random keys like it says in the manual..??

3/18/2011 3:26:16 PM
Total Posts 22

Re: Not generating a random keypair

Ahh, looks like i was right. When i use the software emulator then its not generating the random for the key generation. It says ine the manual that the random is ignore because its generted on the hardware but since im using the software version then its not generated.. :P